TETRA® is one of the most trusted names in drinking water and wastewater filters.

Biological Wastewater Treatment

Biofiltration is a biological wastewater treatment technology used in municipal, steel, and chemical manufacturing facilities, solid waste processing plants, composting operations, and rendering plants. Biological systems use microorganisms that consume and destroy organic compounds as a food source. TETRA biological filters and wastewater treatment systems are used for applications that require treatment including removal of BOD, ammonia, suspended solids and nitrate-nitrogen. The major benefits of this system are that it allows a sewage treatment installation in nitrogen sensitive areas, where a conventional system may not be allowed.

Drinking Water Filters

In gravity filters, the underdrain is one of the most important components contributing to overall system performance and operation — whether a new filter design or retrofitting of an existing filter. Severn Trent Services offers TETRA LP Blocks™ dual parallel lateral underdrain and the TETRA U Blocks™ underdrain for drinking water and desalination pre-treatment applications.

Tertiary and Wastewater Treatment Systems

The key to the success of any wastewater program is to employ technology capable of producing advanced wastewater treatment plant effluent that is safe and cost effective. Tertiary filtration and disinfection of secondary effluents are the acceptable and prevailing technologies for meeting this challenge. The need for water resource management program coupled with the occurrence of more stringent water quality standards governing treated wastewater either for disposal/discharge, reuse or reclamation places significant importance on the use of TETRA DeedBed, Denite® and NSAF filters to successfully produce quality advanced wastewater treatment plant effluents. Severn Trent Services offers the TETRA T Block® and TETRA SNAP T® underdrain filters for wastewater applications. Their proven designs provide superior distribution for both water and air, separately or concurrently.

Read more today about Severn Trent Services  Tetra products.